PRO Act. ABC test. Two acronyms that could negatively affect all U.S. freelancers, whether we’re writers, editors, designers, or any other type of independent contractor in a creative freelance enterprise. The tl;dr scoop is this: […]
Start Here for a Healthier Freelance Business
A freelance pep talk and open-line Friday on 3-26
Personality tests may be BS, but they’re still useful for client relationships
For some weird reason, I’ve had several conversations about personality tests with clients and potential clients during the past few weeks. Reading that, I’ll bet that your brain immediately took one of two paths: Option #1 is that you […]
What three business problems are keeping you up at night?
A simple trick to get past freelance estimate anxiety
7 ways to get more freelance referrals for your business
Word-of-mouth business is the closest thing we’ve got to perpetual motion in the freelance world. Not only are freelance referrals easier to get to sign on the dotted line—because your business has a third-party endorsement—they’re also […]