NOTE: The Freelance Forecast 2011 surveys are now closed. Results will be published shortly — thank you for participating!
Yes, it’s time for the Freelance Forecast 2011 surveys! As in past years, there are two different surveys:
- Freelancers should go here: Freelance Forecast 2011.
- Business clients/editors/art directors and others who purchase freelance services can head over here: Client Perspectives 2011.
Note: If you are a freelancer who also uses freelancers, you’re welcome to take both surveys. The results will be announced in January, and once again, all participants will be put into a drawing for a $100 gift card.
Now, can I ask you a favor? If each freelancer could please encourage at least one of their clients to participate, it would make the client-side survey even more valuable. The goal of Freelance Forecast is to publish fresh data about the state of the market and to help understand the good, bad and ugly of relationships between creative freelancers and clients. The more participants, the better it is for everyone’s business.
Thanks in advance for participating!
P.S. To download results from 2009 and 2010, head here.
Harleena Singh says
Thanks for the write up.