Deadlines and a pile of long-term projects absorbed my energies this week, but there’s always time for a Friday freelance link roundup, eh? Truth be told, not all of these are about freelancing directly—as I always recommend, you should have an eye out for related concepts that can be applied to your business. If you’re a freelance writer and only read freelance writing blogs, or a freelance graphic designer who only reads (you know where I’m going here) blogs about design, you’re missing out!
No. You Don’t Have to “Write Every Day.” Can I have an AMEN? Jenn Mattern calls B.S. on the world’s most trite advice for freelance writers, or writers of any kind. Like Jenn, I understand that this advice may be coming from a good place, but it isn’t for everyone. If it works for you, that’s fantastic. If it doesn’t work for you (which it doesn’t for me), you shouldn’t feel guilty.
16 Secrets of Super Shareable Content. Laura Spencer is always generous about sharing links on social media, and this blog post gives some insights on the criteria for what and how she chooses. (And yes, this is a chance for me to return the favor!) On a side note, Laura recently interviewed me for “How To Create a Healthier Home Office“—in addition to a good article, it’s also an example of how social media can expand your business relationships.
A Story of Lost Content. I’ve long followed Anne Wayman’s blog, and was shocked when this RSS feed came up: a horror story about losing her entire blog. I experienced this myself recently, with the recent switchover to my new domain, when my other websites got inadvertently deleted along with the hosting plan. Mercifully, Godaddy had the files and was able to raise the websites from the dead. Even if you don’t have a blog, please, please, please make sure you have backup to your computer itself. Some people swear by online backups; personally, I’m a Mac Time Machine guy. Either way, just do it.
How To Be Loved By Everyone: 6 Powerful Secrets. Eric Barker’s “Barking Up the Wrong Tree” blog never fails to make me think with its science-based takes on “soft” topics such as relationship strategies. In this post, he provides some practical, easy-to-follow advice on how to be a better listener. I can’t think of a better way to improve your business results or personal life.
The Entrepreneurial Journey: It Sucks, But It’s Awesome, Too. This includes a wide-ranging, hour-long podcast as well as a blog post with some good perspective. Take particular note of the comments on the need to adapt and evolve. I know a bunch of writers and graphic designers who were making a killing in the housing boom of the mid-2000s, only to get obliterated in the crash. Diversifying your client base (both in number and types of clients and industries) is an insurance policy.
Would you like your blog to be considered for a future Friday freelance link roundup? Comment below, and make sure you include your website link in CommentLuv.
Laura Spencer says
Hi Jake,
Wow! Two shout outs in one post–thanks so much. 🙂
I’ll definitely check these other posts out.
Jenn Mattern says
Thanks for including my post Jake. 🙂
I feel terrible for Anne’s situation and hope she gets it sorted soon.
Laura’s post was great as usual. 🙂
And I haven’t read the other two yet but I’ll be sure to make time for them soon!
Jake Poinier says
Always appreciate great content! Hope you’ve had a good long weekend and got some R&R.