Busy day today, but wanted to share a quick link roundup for your consideration.
- This headline caught my eye on a Facebook post: “Crappy Vs Snappy: Photog Uses Side-by-Side Comparisons to Market His Skill.” There’s always a risk in slamming someone else’s work in order to make yours look better. In this case, I think the photographer pulls it off because it’s an interactive session with a client. Handled correctly, freelancers who write, edit or do graphic design could use a similar tactic.
- Jane Goodall’s book being held back after accusations of plagiarism put her in the news, but for a bit of a contrarian view (not on Goodall specifically), check out the Poynter Institute’s “Why we should stop criminalizing practices that are confused with plagiarism.”
- A think piece from Charles Hugh Smith, “The Ten Best Employers To Work For.” (I don’t want to steal the punchline, but will say that his premise — “The insecurity of self-employment can generate a far more resilient life and mindset” — ought to resonate with many freelancers.)