Dr. Freelance: I read with interest your recent article about “Getting started as a ghostwriter.” I’ve been asked to quote for ghostwriting/rewriting a 145-page non-fiction book, probably to make it 125 pages. The potential client says it’s written, I just need to get it into shape. He’s annoyed me and shown no client respect so far by canceling yesterday’s meeting at short notice, when I’d already traveled to the area — not that he knows that. He wasn’t particularly apologetic about it. He rescheduled for tonight at an odd time, 8 p.m. in a hotel lobby. We had a five-minute meeting, and he said he’s interested in me for the job. [Read more…]
Twitter ghostwriting rates
Dear Dr. Freelance, I am a rookie soon-to-be freelancer based in Europe who’s wondering how much to charge for Twitter ghostwriting.
The background: I am currently finishing a webdesign/copywriting project for a small software startup. Since they are both colleagues of mine and they were offering me the chance to collaborate on future projects, I gave them a 30% discount on an already very conservative estimate. Still, it was quite a lot of money for them. [Read more…]
The real minimum wage
I was talking with a longtime freelance associate yesterday about two pricing issues she’s having. First, she’s trying to find a way to charge a premium for her services when the client wants to buy extensive rights vs. one-time, one-purpose rights. Second, she’s got a potential ghostwriting job and is attempting to calculate an appropriate rate that won’t price her out of the market. [Read more…]
Non-disclosure agreement (and no name dropping, either)
Dr. Freelance, I recently added a new client that required I sign a document promising not to reveal our association verbally or in any of my marketing materials, such as a client list. I complied reluctantly. Have you heard of this before? If so, any recommendations for how to handle?—Only the Shadow Knows
Shadow: In most cases, freelancers think of a non-disclosure agreement (a.k.a., NDA) or confidentiality agreement as protecting a client’s proprietary information. I have signed dozens of those over the years. [Read more…]